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Gopi Kishan (1994) Hindi Full Movie Download 1080p

A brave guy named Kishan, from a young age dreamed of becoming a law enforcement officer. The youngster has reviewed a large number of films about fair law enforcement officers. The boy intends to fight against criminals who are creating lawlessness on the streets of his hometown, preventing residents from enjoying a peaceful existence. A grown-up young man who decided to enter the police academy suddenly found out that it would be extremely difficult to do this, because not every applicant is able to master difficult entrance exams. Quick-witted Kishan, who looks incredibly similar to Inspector Gopi, decides to replace a real cop, thus infiltrating the ranks of law enforcement officers. The scam has worked, and the main character begins to perform his duties. Having got used to the service, the swindler-policeman faces the influential head of the mafia clan, who is accustomed to achieve his goals by any fate.

  • Original Title: Gopi Kishan
  • Genre: Comedy / Bollywood / Films / Action / Drama
  • Director(s): Mukesh Duggal
  • cast(s): Suniel Shetty, Karisma Kapoor, Shilpa Shirodkar, Suresh Oberoi, Aruna Irani, Mohan Joshi, Arun Bakshi, Satyendra Kapoor, Mushtaq Khan, Kishore Anand Bhanushali, Shiva Rindani, Vishwajeet Pradhan, Guddi Maruti
  • Runtime: 161 min min
  • TMDB: 5,8
  • Quality: WEB-DL
Gopi Kishan WEB-DL 1994
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